The 2020 Veterans and Active Duty Military Promotion has ended
Sorry, the promotion has ended, but you can still schedule a virtual PNM Home Checkup (co-pays may apply). Please visit www.pnmhomecheckup.com/schedule today to schedule a virtual assessment now.
Select the options that work best for you and schedule your appointment today. You’ll learn how to
become energy smart, improve your family’s comfort, and lower your monthly energy costs.
Payments are due at the time of service. We accept only credit cards or debit cards.
PNM Home Energy Checkup Packages
Package A: $15 (a value of $69.96)
• Up to 20 ENERGY STAR® LED dimmable bulbs
(replacing incandescent bulbs), which last up to
25,000 hours (more than 20 years!)
• One LED nightlight
• Up to two efficient-flow showerheads*
• Two bathroom faucet aerators*
• One kitchen faucet aerator*
• One smart power strip
• Pipe insulation (up to 6 feet)
• One smart thermostat (for an additional $100 copay)
Package B: $30 (a value of $127.24)
Includes everything in Package A, plus...
• 20 additional ENERGY STAR LED dimmable bulbs
• One additional smart power strip